Our School Counselor is Mrs. Evelyn Hornberger. She is eager to assist you and your child in their transition to Linntown Intermediate and have a positive learning experience.
The school counselor's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Meeting with students individually and in groups to focus on interpersonal skills and managing emotions
- Providing students with short-term solution-focused counseling
- Providing parents/guardians with referrals for long-term support
- Working in collaboration with parents/teachers/school administrators, and the community for student success
- Providing classroom school counseling lessons based on student success standards
- Conducting screening for gifted evaluation requests from parents
- Coordinating Academic Intervention Team meetings with teachers/parents/administrators
We hope that your child enjoys his or her time at Linntown Intermediate! Please feel free to contact Mrs. Hornberger with any questions or concerns that you may have.