
At Linntown, students take part in a variety of activities in music class. These are designed to

help your child develop musical skills and to know and appreciate many different styles of music. Singing activities include songs from our American folk tradition, songs from many different parts of the world, and songs that are part of musical programs in which your child takes part. Your child will listen to music written in many styles and become familiar with many kinds of performing groups. In addition, time is spent playing simple instruments and discovering basic concepts about how music is put together.


Outside of the general music classroom, Linntown students have the opportunity to participate in chorus, orchestra, and band. Concerts are usually held in the winter and spring according to performance ensemble and grade level. You can reinforce what your child is learning in school in several ways. You can listen to music together, attend community concerts, and encourage your child to take part in school performing groups. Ask your child about some of the music class activities. In this way, music can be extended into your home.